Group Theory


  1. Integers:Unique division with remainder of whole numbers, various lemmas on prime factorization, Euclidian Algorithm and Generalized Euclidian Algorithm.
  2. Groups:Definition of monoid and group, examples. Left-axioms, right-axioms, their equivalence.
  3. Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Direct Products: with Chinese remainder theorem for integers.
  4. Permutation Groups: cycle factorization, sign, Cayley’s theorem. Alternating groups
  5. Generators, Order, Index: cosets, Lagrange’s theorem, totient function & Euler’s theorem of prime congruences, Fermat’s small theorem as consequence.
  6. Normal Subgroups, Factor Groups: e.g. Commutator subgroup and abelian factor group, characterization in terms of kernels of homomorphisms. Alternating groups as commutator subgroups.
  7. Homomorphism and Isomorphism Theorems: with as corrolary the characterization of normal subgroups of factor groups.
  8. Group Actions: stabilisers, orbits, groups of prime order. Centralizer. Transitive actions.
  9. Automorphisms: the automorphism group, inner automorphisms, characteristic subgroups. The semi-direct product.
Matthijs Muis
Matthijs Muis
Double BSc student in Mathematics and Computer Science